Dayton History

IFI leaders, volunteers, and a student at the purchase of the Trueman House in May 2016


Dayton History

The story of how IFI began in Dayton is truly a story of God’s divine hand bringing the right people together at the right time. In 2011 Gloria Kelios took on a teaching job in the intensive English program at Wright State and during her year there, saw the need for an international student ministry to serve Wright State (and Dayton’s) rapidly growing international demographic. IFI Columbus had been praying for God to send someone to start something in Dayton and through different connections met Gloria and asked her to consider starting IFI there. IFI also connected Gloria with another lady, who had also felt God calling her to Wright State. Through the university international office’s weekly coffee hours, she also met Larissa Swartz, a current freshman Spanish student, who agreed to navigate the student organization regulations to become an official student org at Wright State. Not only did God bring the right people, He brought the perfect place to meet. An older couple who used to host international students back when Wright State had a hosting program had been praying for years for God to bring international students back into their house. After meeting Gloria and hearing her vision for the ministry, they naturally offered their house and property for the use of IFI. It had a perfect set up for the weekly meal & Bible study as well as some recreational benefits like a zip line and pool for students to enjoy. So in fall of 2012, IFI Dayton was born with two students at the first Friday meeting, which has since grown to a weekly gathering of 40-80 people. In 2016, a ministry house (nicknamed “The Trueman House”) was purchased, housing staff and students and hosting many events. Larissa took over as Dayton Area Leader in 2020, and God brought Esther Chan as a Campus Minister in the spring of 2021.  Around the same time that Gabriel Hoffman came on board as the Volunteer and Church Coordinator in 2022, God provided a second ministry house. Nicknamed “The Lighthouse,” a local couple who believe in the mission of IFI purchased the house for Esther and several students to live in and use for hosting. In 2023, Daniel Chiriluta moved to Dayton from Romania to serve international students as the new Dayton Area Leader. God has always been faithful to provide food for every Friday, cars and drivers for every trip or event, and more. The IFI Dayton Team looks forward to all He has in store for the future!